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My name is Madison. I am a writer, observer, artist, student and teacher of multi-dimensional consciousness. We are experiencing a paradigm shift in the collective conscious of humanity. We are evolving into higher knowledge, greater intelligence, and divine wisdom. We are questioning the strength of the foundations we have been born into and waking up to the understanding that we have been heavily programmed to be machines in a world of profit. We’ve been programmed to remain in a lower dimension of this existence, a lower frequency of being - suppression of our Divine Nature. If you have found me, chances are you have awakened or are awakening to your Divine Nature yourself. My knowledge does not come from a college degree. My knowledge does not come from any professional training. Thus, if you are looking for a certificate of proof, may my voice and my practice speak as such. We are physical extensions of the non-physical. We are a collection of energy that is perceiving reality through the algorithm of our consciousness. With willful intent and integrity of being, we are co-creators in the grand design of Creation. I AM The Universe experiencing itself in Human form. I AM a creator. I AM consciousness. I AM All That Is. Here, you can explore me, my design, and the legacy I leave to humanity. 

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